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Primary graduation gown & academic dress, secondary graduation gown & academic dress, college graduation gown & academic dress and university graduation gown & academic dress in Hong Kong  設計、租借、 購買香港小學畢業袍、中學畢業袍、 大學畢業袍 | 畢業袍一條龍服務 學士袍、 碩士袍、 博士袍
香港畢業袍 畢業袍 大學畢業袍 中大畢業袍 港大畢業袍 城大畢業袍 嶺大畢業袍 理大畢業袍 教大畢業袍  中學畢業袍 小學畢業袍租畢業袍 買畢業袍 購買畢業袍 學士袍 碩士袍 博士袍Rent gown Rent graduation gown Graduation gown rental Buy graduation gown Buy academic regalia Rent academic regalia Group buy graduation gown Group buy academic Bachelor gown Master gown Doctoral gown Bachelor academic regalia Master academic regalia Doctoral academic regalia  Tailor gown Tailor made gown  Hong Kong Graduation Gown High School Graduation Gown University Graduation Gown College Graduation Gown Primary Graduation Gown


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Your Trusted Graduation Gown & Academic Dress Expert in Hong Kong

香港畢業袍 畢業袍 大學畢業袍 中大畢業袍 港大畢業袍 城大畢業袍 嶺大畢業袍 理大畢業袍 教大畢業袍  中學畢業袍 小學畢業袍租畢業袍 買畢業袍 購買畢業袍 學士袍 碩士袍 博士袍Rent gown Rent graduation gown Graduation gown rental Buy graduation gown Buy academic regalia Rent academic regalia Group buy graduation gown Group buy academic Bachelor gown Master gown Doctoral gown Bachelor academic regalia Master academic regalia Doctoral academic regalia  Tailor gown Tailor made gown  Hong Kong Graduation Gown High School Graduation Gown University Graduation Gown College Graduation Gown Primary Graduation Gown

TYG 獨家贊助 - 香港婦聯, 慈善團體 2023

TYG 獨家贊助贊助 - BlessVision Foundation 居港難民媽媽

大學專頁 University Pages
The Chinese University of Hong Kong ( CUHK ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy | CUHK graduation gown | CUHK academic dress | CU gown  租借、購買香港中文大學畢業袍 |  中大畢業袍  | 中大學士畢業袍、中大碩士畢業袍、中大博士袍畢業袍
The Chinese University of Hong Kong ( CUHK ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy | CUHK graduation gown | CUHK academic dress | CU gown  租借、購買香港中文大學畢業袍 |  中大畢業袍  | 中大學士畢業袍、中大碩士畢業袍、中大博士袍畢業袍

The Chinese University

of Hong Kong


official 2.png

Hong Kong University

of Science and Technology

租借購買香港城市大學畢業袍 |  城大畢業袍  | 城大學士畢業袍、城大碩士畢業袍、城大博士畢業袍City University of Hong Kong ( CityU ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy cityu Graduation Gown | CityU Graduation Gown | CityU academic dress | cityu gown
租借購買香港城市大學畢業袍 |  城大畢業袍  | 城大學士畢業袍、城大碩士畢業袍、城大博士畢業袍City University of Hong Kong ( CityU ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy cityu Graduation Gown | CityU Graduation Gown | CityU academic dress | cityu gown


City University of Hong Kong

租借購買香港浸會大學畢業袍 |  浸大畢業袍  | 浸大學士畢業袍、浸大碩士畢業袍、浸大博士畢業袍Hong Kong Baptist University ( HKBU ) Graduation Gown | HKBU Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy HKBU Graduation Gown | HKBU Graduation Gown | HKBU academic dress | HKBU gown
租借購買香港浸會大學畢業袍 |  浸大畢業袍  | 浸大學士畢業袍、浸大碩士畢業袍、浸大博士畢業袍Hong Kong Baptist University ( HKBU ) Graduation Gown | HKBU Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy HKBU Graduation Gown | HKBU Graduation Gown | HKBU academic dress | HKBU gown
Lingnan University of Hong Kong ( LNU ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港嶺南大學畢業袍|  嶺大畢業袍 | 嶺大學士畢業袍、嶺大碩士畢業袍、嶺大博士畢業袍
Lingnan University of Hong Kong ( LNU ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港嶺南大學��畢業袍|  嶺大畢業袍 | 嶺大學士畢業袍、嶺大碩士畢業袍、嶺大博士畢業袍
The Hong Kong University (HKU) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港大學畢業袍 | 港大畢業袍 | 港大畢業袍 | 港大學士畢業袍、港大碩士畢業袍、港大博士袍
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ( PolyU ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港理工大學畢業袍 | 理工大學畢業袍 | 理大畢業袍 | 理大學士畢業袍、理大碩士畢業袍、理大博士袍畢業袍


Lingnan University


The University of Hong Kong


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong ( THEi ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港高等教育科技學院畢業袍 | 學士畢業袍、碩士畢業袍、博士畢業袍


Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong

Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong ( THEi ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港高等教育科技學院畢業袍 | 學士畢業袍、碩士畢業袍、博士畢業袍
City University of Hong Kong | Graduation Gown | Academic Dress | CityU graduation gown | CityU Academic Dress | Rent | Buy | 租買香港城市大學畢業袍 |  城大學士畢業袍 | 城大碩士畢業袍 | 城大博士畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍 | 城大畢業袍 | CityU畢業袍 | City畢業袍 | City學士袍


School of Continuing and Professional Education

official 2.png
sfu 2 copy.png

Recognized by numerous famous institutions in Hong Kong


索取報價 Quotation Request
香港畢業袍 畢業袍 大學畢業袍 中大畢業袍 港大畢業袍 城大畢業袍 嶺大畢業袍 理大畢業袍 教大畢業袍  中學畢業袍 小學畢業袍租畢業袍 買畢業袍 購買畢業袍 學士袍 碩士袍 博士袍Rent gown Rent graduation gown Graduation gown rental Buy graduation gown Buy academic regalia Rent academic regalia Group buy graduation gown Group buy academic Bachelor gown Master gown Doctoral gown Bachelor academic regalia Master academic regalia Doctoral academic regalia  Tailor gown Tailor made gown  Hong Kong Graduation Gown High School Graduation Gown University Graduation Gown College Graduation Gown Primary Graduation Gown
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

索取報價 Quotation Request


applicable to universities, high schools, primary schools as well as other institutions

畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

Gown Distribution

Professional Wearing Guidance

Gown Fixing before Marching


度身訂製 Tailor Your Gown Design
香港畢業袍 畢業袍 大學畢業袍 中大畢業袍 港大畢業袍 城大畢業袍 嶺大畢業袍 理大畢業袍 教大畢業袍  中學畢業袍 小學畢業袍租畢業袍 買畢業袍 購買畢業袍 學士袍 碩士袍 博士袍Rent gown Rent graduation gown Graduation gown rental Buy graduation gown Buy academic regalia Rent academic regalia Group buy graduation gown Group buy academic Bachelor gown Master gown Doctoral gown Bachelor academic regalia Master academic regalia Doctoral academic regalia  Tailor gown Tailor made gown  Hong Kong Graduation Gown High School Graduation Gown University Graduation Gown College Graduation Gown Primary Graduation Gown
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售


Tailor Your Gown Here (Any Design)

特別適用於需要特殊設計的畢業生; 海外學府均可

Especially applicable to academic dresses that require special and unique designs; overseas styles are welcomed




8 Professional Sets

Professional Indoor Photography



  • 1 person package: $1650

8 Fully edited photos (Hard and Softcopy)

  • 2-4 people: $1750

10 fully edited photos (Hard and Softcopy)

  • 5-6 people: $1850

12 fully edited photos (Hard and Softcopy)

  • 7-10 people: $2188

15 fully edited photos (Hard and Softcopy)

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No Hidden Costs!

For more information, please click here :

專業攝影 Professional Photography
Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

Your Milestone Partner


Welcome to TYG, your premier destination for top-quality graduation gowns and academic apparel in Hong Kong. At TYG, we take pride in providing exceptional products and services to esteemed universities such as CUHK, HKUST, CITYU, LNU, VTC, THEi, and other renowned professional bodies in Hong Kong. Our extensive range of graduation gowns and academic attire is meticulously crafted to meet the highest standards of quality and style. Whether you are a graduating student, faculty member, or alumni, we have the perfect attire to make your special day even more memorable.

At TYG, we understand the importance of looking and feeling your best on graduation day. That's why we offer a wide selection of gowns, hoods, caps, and accessories in various colors and styles to suit your individual preferences. Our products are made from premium materials to ensure durability and comfort, so you can focus on celebrating your achievements without any worries.

In addition to our exceptional products, TYG is committed to providing outstanding customer service. Our team of dedicated professionals is here to assist you every step of the way, from selecting the right attire to ensuring a seamless ordering and delivery process. We strive to make your experience with us as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

When you choose TYG, you can trust that you are getting the best in graduation gowns and academic apparel in Hong Kong. Join countless satisfied customers who have experienced the excellence of TYG's products and services. Make your graduation day truly special with TYG – where quality meets elegance.

歡迎來到 TYG,這是您在香港購買高品質畢業禮服和學術服裝的首選目的地。 在TYG,我們為香港中文大學、香港科技大學、城市大學、嶺南大學、VTC、THEi等著名大學以及香港其他知名專業機構提供卓越的產品和服務而感到自豪。

我們種類繁多的畢業禮服和學術服裝均經過精心製作,以滿足最高的品質和風格標準。 無論您是畢業生、教員還是校友,我們都有完美的服裝讓您的特殊日子更加難忘。

在 TYG,我們了解在畢業典禮當天保持最佳狀態的重要性。 因此,我們提供各種顏色和款式的禮服、頭巾、帽子和配件供您選擇,以滿足您的個人喜好。 我們的產品採用優質材料製成,確保耐用性和舒適性,因此您可以專注於慶祝您的成就而無需擔心。

除了我們卓越的產品外,TYG 還致力於提供卓越的客戶服務。 我們的專業專業團隊隨時為您提供協助,從選擇合適的服裝到確保無縫的訂購和交付流程。 我們努力讓您的體驗盡可能順利和愉快。

當您選擇 TYG 時,您可以相信您購買的是香港最好的畢業禮服和學術服裝。 與無數滿意的客戶一起體驗 TYG 卓越的產品和服務。 TYG 讓您的畢業典禮真正變得特別——品質與優雅的結合。

TYG supplies the following graduation gowns:

(note that only labelled 'official' is an official client of TYG at

畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售


(CUHK Graduation Gown | 中大畢業袍)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Graduation Gown | Academic Dress | CUHK graduation gown | CUHK academic dress | CU graduation gown | CU Academic Dress | Rent | Buy | 租 | 買 | 中文大學畢業袍 | 中大學士畢業袍 | 中大碩士畢業袍 | 中大博士畢業袍 | 中大畢業袍 | CU畢業袍 | CU學士袍 | CUHK畢業袍 | CUHK學士袍
City University of Hong Kong | Graduation Gown | Academic Dress | CityU graduation gown | CityU Academic Dress | Rent | Buy | 租買香港城市大學畢業袍 |  城大學士畢業袍 | 城大碩士畢業袍 | 城大博士畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍 | 城大畢業袍 | CityU畢業袍 | City畢業袍 | City學士袍
City University of Hong Kong | Graduation Gown | Academic Dress | CityU graduation gown | CityU Academic Dress | Rent | Buy | 租買香港城市大學畢業袍 |  城大學士畢業袍 | 城大碩士畢業袍 | 城大博士畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍 | 城大畢業袍 | CityU畢業袍 | City畢業袍 | City學士袍
The Education University of Hong Kong | Graduation Gown | Academic Dress | eduhk graduation gown | eduhk Academic Dress | Rent | Buy | 租買教育大學畢業袍 |  教大學士畢業袍 | 教大碩士畢業袍 | 教大博士畢業袍 | 教育大學畢業袍 | 教大畢業袍 | eduhk畢業袍 | eduhk學士袍 |
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售


(LNU Graduation Gown | 嶺大畢業袍 )

Lingnan University of Hong Kong | Graduation Gown | Academic Dress | LNU graduation gown | LNU Academic Dress | Rent | Buy | 租買嶺南大學畢業袍 |  嶺大學士畢業袍 | 嶺大碩士畢業袍 | 嶺大博士畢業袍 | 嶺南大學畢業袍 | 嶺大畢業袍 | LNU畢業袍 | LU畢業袍 | LU學士袍 | LNU學士袍 | TPG Graduation Gown | TPG Academic Dress
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Graduation Gown | Academic Dress | PolyU graduation gown | PolyU Academic Dress | Rent | Buy | 租買理工大學畢業袍 |  理大學士畢業袍 | 理大碩士畢業袍 | 理大博士畢業袍 | 理工大學畢業袍 | 理大畢業袍 | PolyU畢業袍 | Poly畢業袍 | Poly學士袍
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong ( THEi ) Graduation Gown | Academic Dress and Academic Regalia | Rent or Buy 租借、購買香港高等教育科技學院畢業袍 | 學士畢業袍、碩士畢業袍、博士畢業袍
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School

畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

CCC Ming Kei College中華基督教會 銘基書院

畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢��業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

King George V School, Hong Kong


Heung Hoi Ching Kok Lin Association (HHCKLA) Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School

畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

P.L.K. Chong Kee Ting Primary School


CCC Ming Kei College | 中華基督教會 銘基書院

畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢��業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

Caritas Institute of Community Education


畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

Caritas Lok Mo Integrated Vocational Training Centre


畢業袍| 畢業袍租|大學畢業袍|畢業袍買|畢業袍公仔| 畢業袍熊仔|畢業公仔|畢業熊 Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售

Caritas Institute of Higher Education


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Graduation gowns and academic dresses for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Lingnan University (LNU) and many other institutions’ – we design and sell high quality graduation gown and academic dress in Hong Kong.   城大畢業袍、理大畢業袍、 中大畢業袍、 嶺大畢業袍 | 城市大學畢業袍、 理工大學畢業袍、中文大學畢業袍、 嶺南大學畢業袍、學士畢業袍、 碩士畢業袍、 博士畢業袍均有銷售
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