We do not sell counterfeited gowns without the approval of the following institutions; we only claim we are genuine when we ARE the official supplier of these renown institutions in Hong Kong. This means there is thorough QC, stringent color control, and craftsmanship that assures a gown set that you so richly deserve.
We do not sell counterfeited gowns without the approval of the following institutions; we only claim we are genuine when we ARE the official supplier of these renown institutions in Hong Kong. This means there is thorough QC, stringent color control, and craftsmanship that assures a gown set that you so richly deserve.



Rule breaking florist renowned for off-beat approach to floral and plant styling. We provide garden basket, eternal flower box, dried flower, workshop, vase and jars as small gift and subscriptions. Perfect for gifting or lifting up, each flower is uniquely handcrafted by a florist.
取其名之意,Beam Bloom正如在繁華都市中擔任著一 朵鮮花或一片綠葉的使命,靜靜地長根萌芽,跟隨大自然引領的方式生長,開花結果,照耀生命。分享日常的 生活,分享美好與平和。包容各種可能,勇敢的去想 像,並在多方激盪中成長。
以打破常規用與眾不同的花卉和植物進行花藝設計而聞名。我們在中環有一家店,裡面擺滿了精美的鮮花、花束。還有植物、花盆、禮物和一系列生活週邊及禮品! 我們提供永生花花盒、乾花、工作坊、瓶花小禮物和生活週花提案。可用來送禮或為環境添置生命力,每件花品都由花藝師人手製作獨一無二。