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Gown Return Options 還袍安排

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Fo Tan Outlet 火炭店

Face-to-Face gown return with cash refund - Available during office hours

24Hr Return Booth (24 小時自助還袍)Always available

Fo Tan Outlet (Flagship Store)

Status: Open

Tuesday to Sunday, 1pm to 7pm 

(Closed on Mondays and Public Holidays)

Location: (FOTAN) Unit 7, 5F, Hopeful Industrial Center, 10-16 Wo Shing Street, Fo Tan, New Territories, Hong Kong


( 火炭站 Fo Tan MTR Exit D)


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Hunghom Outlet 紅磡店

Face-to-Face gown return with cash refund - Available during office hours

24Hr Self-help Gown Return Booth (24 小時自助還袍)Always available

Hunghom Outlet

Status:  Open

(Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays )

Unit No.7A, 9F, Tower A, Hunghom Commercial Centre, No. 39 Ma Tau Wai Road, Kowloon

九龍 紅磡 馬頭圍道39號 紅磡商業中心A座 9樓7A室

( 黃埔站 Whampoa MTR Exit A / 何文田站 Ho Man Tin MTR Exit A2 / 土瓜灣站 To Kwa Wan MTR Exit D1 )



Kwai Hing Outlet 葵興店

Face-to-Face gown return with cash refund - Open

24Hr Return Booth : unavailable

Kwai Hing Outlet 

Status: CLOSED

Rm B08, 5F, Ching Cheong Industrial Building, 1-7 Kwai Cheong Rd, Kwai Chung 


( 葵興站 Kwai Hing MTR )


Hong Kong Side Outlet 港島店

Face-to-Face gown return with cash refund - Open

24Hr Return Booth : unavailable

Hong Kong Side Outlet 

Status: CLOSED

Tuesday to Sunday, 1pm to 7pm (Closed on Mondays and Public Holidays)

Office F, 9/F, Hollywood Centre, Nos. 77-91 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


(上環 Sheung Wan MTR Exit A2出口 / 西營盤 Sai Ying Pun MTR Exit A1)


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